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2023-2024 Indoor Golf League

20 weeks | October 30-March 31 | Join at any time

Skipping the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas


CHOOSE YOUR NIGHT  Monday through Thursday

CHOOSE YOUR TIME  3pm - 5pm  •  5:15pm - 7:15pm  •  7:30pm - 9:30pm


CHOOSE YOUR MORNING  Saturday or Sunday

CHOOSE YOUR TIME  8:45am - 10:45am

*Current availability is Monday-Wednesday, 3pm-5pm.

FORMAT:  Four person teams. Different games each week (Best Ball, Add'em Up, Stableford, etc.). NO PUTTING (number of putts determined by distance from hole). If you are unable to attend a sub may be used. Pre-play is allowed during the week.

WEEKLY FEE:  $29 per week. Includes simulator time, prize fund, and one (1) drink

SKINS GAME:  Optional $10 (cash) net stroke play (individual)

HANDICAP:  85% based on the average of your three best scores of the previous seven weeks. Handicaps are established after week three and will be adjusted throughout the rest of the league season.

PRIZES:  Top teams each week will receive credit to be used at Ironworks Golf Lab or the Beloit Club. Skins will be paid out each week in cash.

SPECIALS:  Weekly food and drink specials.


Reserve your team's day and time today!

Contact Nathan Laird at

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